So Young Magazine 

As part of So Young's Magazine music brief 2019, I illustrated Purple Rain by Prince.
N.I. Mental Arts Festival

In accordance with Mental health Awareness month May 2020 I created this illustration for the N.I. Mental Arts festival. It was apart of the online exhibition exploring the theme of 'Identity' and what it meant to me. Alongside the festival I personally printed 20 editions of this piece and put them up for sale with 25% of profits donated to Action Mental Health N.I. £150 was donated. 

People & Places 
Where I come from and who make up my life has an extraordinary influence on who I am as a person. As I come through life, the places and people change, some staying, some not, but when I talk of many memories it is always the people and places that I try and recount. Without these two I wouldn’t be me, they make up my identity.
The Craytes EP Covers

Album covers respond to the lyrics of each song wrote by the French-Canadian band.

Union Station Final Cover.

This Town Final Cover.

Development and Experimentation.

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